Join the Friends of the Robbins Library for this intriguing evening with genealogist Seema-Jayne Kenney. She will take us through the purpose of the census, the instructions and methods for the enumerators, and how to evaluate the data for the hidden gems you find when reading the entire page, and putting your ancestors’ information into historical context. Each step can lead to additional sources to be researched for verification and additional information.
Kenney started in the business of genealogy after completing the Genealogical Research Certificate Program at Boston University’s Center for Professional Education in 2010. Since then, she continued her education via ProGen & NIGR in 2012. Along the way, she joined several Genealogy Societies, attended local conferences, and enjoyed several webinars.
Kenney is a wife, mother of three boys, and an entrepreneur. She started exploring her family history when still in High School. Her paternal family roots go deep into Colonial New England, especially in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Maine. Her European roots include English, German, and Swedish. DNA has recently added a branch to her family tree from The Netherlands.
Kenney also enjoys puzzles and needle arts projects. She has a B.A in Spanish & Social Science and a B.S. in Management Information Systems/Business Administration (MIS/BA).
This program will take place on the new date of Monday, November 6 at 7 pm in the Robbins Library Community Room (lower level). It is free and all are welcome.